Èquations indéchiffrables

Technique: collage on cardboard, velvet and paper between two frames
Size: 35 x 45.5 x 12 cm
Date: not available
ID: 3003
Price: fr. 3’500.- (VAT 8,10% incl.)


MADAME (1982 – )

Madame was born in a small town outside Tours in 1982. Both her father and grandfather were painters, but her first artistic choices were directed towards the theater. Several years later, discouraged by the disappointments of her acting career, she traveled around the world in search of inspiration. It is during this pilgrimage that she has made several traveling notebooks, in which she pasted various clippings from local newspapers and magazines. The encounter with Street Art is almost casual, with an artist friend, who suggests that she pastes some of her clippings on one of her graffiti. Therefore, with a completely original path compared to many  other exponents of the French graffiti world, the street artist Madame was born. Her artistic expression is a unique and an original combination between the art of collage, a strong sense of humor and ideals of a free, public and urban expression. Madame lives and works in Paris, France.