

Temporary Exhibition
@ Gipsoteca Giudici


NOVEMBER 2nd-28th  2016

Wednesday from 9.30 to 13.30
Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 14.30 to 18.30


Gipsoteca Gianluigi Giudici
Central Park, first floor
Riva Antonio Caccia 1a
6900 Lugano

The first temporary exhibition organized by Artrust in the spaces of the Gipsoteca Giudici in Lugano is dedicated to Letizia Cariello, an Italian contemporary artist of Neapolitan origin and a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera. From November 2nd to the 28th, the exhibition will present to the public a synthesis of the Cariello artworks, with some of the most significant pieces of her work including sculptures, photographs, tapestries, and her famous “calendars”. Cariello explores the themes of the body, of time and its relationship with objects through the use of different media techniques.


Letizia Cariello Artrust

Letizia Cariello was born in Copparo, into a family originally from Naples that has been tied to sculpture for over two hundred years. Before turning her focus to art, she had worked for cinema in Italy and in the United States. Her artworks can be found in public and private collections in Italy and abroad.

The work of Letizia Cariello explores, through different media, the themes of body, time and their relationship with objects. They are investigated from the relations between interior and exterior space, affections and the spiritual quest with particular attention to the Angels.

These arguments characterize her performances, her installations and her photographic production.

Particular attention is dedicated to the theme of time, which is explored through the writing of the “calendars”: a long sequence of numbers and letters that represent an exercise of Western meditation intended to materialize time in a perceivable form.

The use of the red wire both in the embroidery and in the installations embodies the attitude of listening and assists the artist toward the reality that surrounds her.

She lives and works in Milan where she teaches Artistic Anatomy at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.

For info: www.letiziacariello.com



Dedicated to Gianluigi Giudici, the exhibition proposes a selection of 60 works (predominantly in plaster, but also in bronze and copper) as examples of his creative path. They are presented on both floors of the museum structure, in a sequence that starts from the top floor where they are documented by themes proposed by the artist from a reflection that he conducted and exemplified the following production with the figure, the abstraction and the sacred. While downstairs, some “islands” or – groups of works – can be identified. They best framed the aspects of his work that focuses on portraits, on the evolution of “biomorphic organism” and the realization of large dimensions artworks that are targeted to both public and private domain. This journey ends with an additional passage in the context of religious sculpture with reliefs embossed on copper and plaster reliefs that introduces to the space dedicated to a large operation made between 1966 and 1992 for the church of the Good Shepherd in Vienna, the most significant work of the artist’s sacred production. For further understanding of his work, the Gipsoteca presents a storeroom that welcomes – visible to the public – many other casts of particular importance and a space where the studio of Gianluigi Giudici is rebuilt and where are also presented some preliminary drawings and plasters for the bronzes of his production.

For info:
tel.: +41 (0)91/980 41 41
mail: gipsotecaggiudici@gmail.com



@ LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura

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