Eugénie en rose, rêveuse dans l’Allée des cygnes, vers la Tour Eiffel – Paris

Technique: oil on canvas
Size: 18 x 13 cm
Date: not available
Signature: bottom, left
ID: 1902



François Gall (1912–1987)

Hungarian artist, French naturalized in 1949, he studied at Nagybània and later at the Accademia Reale di Belle Arti in Rome. Thanks to some study grants, he traveled around Europe, moving to Paris in 1936. In the French capital, he attended the Academy and met some of the most important personalities of the Parisian artistic life: André Derain, Pablo Picasso, Edith Piaf, Charles Durand Ruel, Raymond Savignac, Gen Paul, Ossipe Zadkine, Moïse Kisling.
His first works represents social subjects, depicted “sur le motif”: at this stage, his paintings derive from a dark palette and testify the misery of his Hungarians compatriots or the hidden alleys of Paris. His work “Bread for the people”, which represents family queue’s out of bakerys during the bread crisis, won the Gold Medal at the French Artists Salon in 1947, two years before his naturalization. Parigi and its freedom, together with family joys and his three children, are all elements that lighten his palette; in his works, he represents the animated Parisian life, with its urban views and its people, as well as the quiet scenes of picnics and on the beach. Colored and happy canvas where the protagonists are his wife Eugénie and his children Marie-Lize, Elizabeth-Anne and Jean-François.
His typical French post-impressionist style, made him earn many awards in France, Europe and United States.
He died in 1987 after a cardiac crisis. Today his works are exhibited in some of the most important museums in Paris, in his native Hungary and in many other museums in the rest of the world.

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