Lanskoy André (1902–1976)
Born into a noble family in Moscow, Lanskoy moved to Paris after the Russian Revolution. In the French capital, he devoted himself to art studies, attending the prestigious “Académie de la Grande Chaumière”, specializing in visual arts. His poetics was initially influenced by masterpieces by Van Gogh, Matisse e Soutine: still lifes and expressionistic figures from that period present in fact dense and vivid colors. In those years, Lanskoy assert himself thanks to the exhibition of his works at major shows and private collections alongside those by Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Leopold Survage, Ossip Zadkine and other Russian artists settled in Paris. Between the end of the Thirties and the beginning of the Forties, inspired by Kandinsky and Klee, the artist abandoned figurativism in favor of an abstractive painting characterized by intense color, rhythmically marked in the tones. His collages and mosaics reached an international fame, consecrating him as one of the world’s greatest exponents of lyrical abstraction.