
Technique: spray and ceramic 37/37
Date: 2021
Signature: no
ID: 4004
Price: fr. 700.- (VAT 8,10% incl.)



Of Polish origin, she began her artistic career in 2009. She is part of the 2018 class of the URBAN NATION Artist in Residence programme. Her passion for lace goes hand in hand with her early ceramic work: pushing lace onto fresh clay in order to reproduce the pattern is, in fact, one of the most popular ways of decorating plates all over the world. Today, lace is the distinctive style of her art, which she reproduces in the urban environment through stencil graffiti or ceramic installations, but which also finds expression in painting, sculpture and jewellery. For the artist, lace is a geometric symbol of harmony and balance, capable of becoming the bearer of a natural order.